Health Lifestyle

Everything You Need To Know About Organic CBD Equilibria + The Amazing Health Benefits Of Consistent Use

I’ve been slowly getting back into taking CBD and trying to be consistent with it. CBD can have really great benefits on your everyday life!

I used to think I could just take CBD when I wanted relief from something right away, but now I have realized it takes consistency. It should be thought more of as a daily vitamin to get the fullest of its benefits- you can read more about why you should take CBD everyday here.

Some of the known CBD benefits may include:

  • Mental + Physical wellbeing
  • Stress relief
  • Anxiety relief
  • Better sleep

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Equilibria CBD

Equilibria CBD is a premium organic CBD brand that is made by women, for everyone. #myequilibriaCBDforwomen

Ya’ll know I love finding brands that offer organic products – So I knew I just had to try this brand. This brand is free of artificial sweeteners and dyes. This is something I find to be so important when finding a good CBD brand!

The best part about this company is that they offer 1-on-1 dosage support to help you find the best fitting products and the right dosage for your goals. I have never seen another company do this! To me, this is so supportive and shows that they truly care, I love that!

Top view of equilibria CBD gummies set and daily drops

Equilibria gifted me some of their CBD gummies and their limited edition winter citrus daily drops to try in exchange for my honest review.

This was my first time trying CBD gummies! As someone that is not experienced with CBD for me, the taste is a bit overwhelming but I care more about the health benefits over taste. Thankfully the gummies were not too sweet and sugary either.

Previously, I have tried CBD tinctures before but have never been consistent with them. The winter citrus daily drops are amazing! I definitely felt benefits from this the first couple of uses; I felt more relaxed and slept much better. Typically, I’m someone that wakes up multiple times a night or just can’t seem to fall asleep in the first place. At night I take these drops and sleep longer through the night without waking up.

The fact that I can tell a difference using the drops within a few nights of use is amazing to me! I definitely recommend the drops if you have trouble falling asleep and/or staying asleep.

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Holidays are coming!

With the holidays weeks away, this would make the perfect gift for someone on your list OR lets be honest.. for yourself!

Equilibria offers amazing bundle deals so you get the most product for your money! This is also great if you want to try out different product types of CBD and see what works best for you.

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