This was the first 3-day music festival I’ve experienced completely SOBER!
& it was the BEST decision I ever made.
Yes, you can have just as much fun & party with your friends without the “party favors” & yes, you’ll still fit in.
But I’ll be making a seperate blog post sharing my tips and essentials for festival season and on staying sober.
Most of you might see a very revealing outfit. What you don’t know, is that the EDM community is all about self-love and acceptance.
It doesn’t matter if you’re plus size, super skinny or anywhere in between- you’re encouraged to wear what you want and still told you’re beautiful & look amazing- and they’re truly genuine about it.
Also, it’s not just for women; men are accepted for wearing glitter, wings, onesies and more. Regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, size/weight, stretch marks, acne, other appearance flaws, people tell each other they look great and spread POSITIVITY.
It’s so important for ANYONE to feel worry free and that they aren’t being judged.
This kind of positivity is my favorite thing about EDM culture and I hope you all get to experience positivity like this wether it’s at a show, from your friends and family, at work – any way.